COVID19 Policy
- If you have any symptoms at all, please stay home - you will get a full refund, right up to race day.
- You are encouraged to have your own support crew. Support crew:
- can provide assistance only in an area immediately to the Dunsborough side of an official aid station;
- must stand back at least 5 metres from the water's edge; and
- must not interfere with any other participant.
- Please maintain social distance at registration and the start - and please self-seed in the start area.
- There will be no formal briefing. All information will be provided to participants prior to the event and when collecting their race number.
- You are encouraged to collect your race number between 10am and 5pm on Friday 23 February 2024, from Text & Co bookshop in Dunsborough.
- We will transport special drinks to the 25 km turnaround (solo runners only), but please note:
- all items must be in a single, disposable bag, clearly marked with your race number; and
- no used bottles, clothing, wrappers, etc. can be left at an aid station, other than in the bin. No personal items will be brought back from an aid station to the start.
- Please maintain social distance at aid stations.
- There's no self-service at aid stations. Event staff will hand you:
- your special drinks bag (if any); and/or
- water, either in a cup, or in a 600ml bottle. Event staff will not fill your water containers - you will need to do that yourself. All used cups and bottles must be placed in a bin before you can leave the aid station.
- You should be self-sufficient for food/energy powders/gels/electrolytes/sunscreen. Aid stations will have emergency supplies only.
- A decision will be made on the day, based on latest health advice, as to whether or not there will be a presentation. Even if not, participants are encouraged to stay around the finish area to cheer on later finishers.